Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
June 27, 2022

Distractions tend to interfere with our focus. Internal distractions are those unresolved issues and premeditations that can send us off-course. There are also external distractions which are relational and are appealing to our sensory faculties. We are efficient when we focus on one thing at a time. Focusing on too many things can blur our vision and confuse the matter. Are you distracted? What are you focusing on today? Lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares [encumbers or distracts] us; then run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking [focusing] on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. Focus and endurance are in compliment. Distractions and danger must compel us to look toward hope. When distractions and frustrations attend our way, we must look to Jesus, because in Him is our eternal hope. The Apostle Peter found himself in a sea of trouble; tossed to and fro by all manner of distractions. But in the midst of the raging storm, he saw Jesus, walking on the water. Hope is what we yearn for when we are in the greatest of trials. Peter’s focus was on Jesus, until he became distracted by the noise of the storm and the restless seas. He began to sink into his troubles because he took his focus from Jesus who was able to save him from his distresses. Beloved, look on Jesus and stay afloat; look away from Jesus and you will be engulfed by your troubles. What is your choice? Focusing on Jesus facilitates faith to believe God. Focusing on Jesus enhances our vision to see into spiritual reality. Focusing on Jesus encourages hope in stormy seasons. Focusing on Jesus must be our posture when we are overwhelmed with the trials of life.


Scripture Meditations:

Matt. 22-32, Heb. 12:1-2


Passion Points:

Storm, Faith, Endurance, Hope, Peace



Lord, I thank You that You promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Help me to realize Your presence during my stormy seasons. You are my Peace. Come and sail along with me in these choppy waters of life, where the seas swell, and the storms are raging. Lord, You are truly amazing. Give me grace to reposition and recondition myself amid my storm, until my changes come. Speak peace now O Lord so that out of these experiences, I may share a living testimony of Your miracle working power. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


