Walking with Jesus: The Communion of Hearts

Walking with Jesus: The Communion of Hearts

Author: Pastor H. Bill Coker
March 07, 2022

Prayer is the essential expression of the heart’s spontaneous and deepest concerns as you walk along the way with Jesus and as you commune with Him. Jewish Rabbi, Jakob Petuchowski says, “It is the need to express our highest aspirations.” Prayer is the suitable language of Lent—the communion of hearts. Let your heart erupt with its free-flowing issues. Bring to Jesus the moment of your needs, anxieties, pain and sorrows, dissatisfactions, frustrations, uncertainties, injustices and all the ills that attend your way. Walk with Him and tell Him all about it. He is not so preoccupied with His own Passion for the Cross, that He’ll ignore your concerns. It is on the Cross that he’ll defeat every onslaught of the evil one and every sin that’ll spoil your purpose. It is on the Cross that He settled once and for all our ills. But, turn inward for a moment and dismiss the thoughts so superficial, and commune with Jesus. Pray with Him the way He prays for you, and even the world at large. Commune with Him in your heart, with untainted and faithful prayers—the free-flowing virtues—Let them flow from that broken place in your heart. Let your petitions be for the lost and the hopeless man. Let it be for the sick, homeless, and the forgotten child. Let it be for the widow and her children. Let it be for the prisoner on foreign lands. Let it be for the weary traveler in the night. Let it be for the peace and safety of the one who bear arms in defense of his nation. Let it be for national and global leaders and leaders in their own rights who seek the way of justice, peace, and liberty for the people everywhere and at all times. Let it be for the genuine communion of your heart with the heart of God. Pray to Jesus to enable you to see others the way that He sees them; to hear the cries of the distressed one, in the way that He’ll hear them; to touch the way that He’ll touch them and to be present with them in the manner that He will be with them. This is the heart of Jesus. Compassion! The least of these are His. Pray for them as you walk with Jesus all the way. Communion, Compassion, Pray Deeply, Care and Concern for the Least of these, Be like Jesus in Prayer, & Pray like Jesus!


Psa. 61:1, 2; Matt. 11:28-30, & John 17

Passion Points:

Prayer, Preoccupations, Passion, Provision, Presence, Protection, & Power.


Lord, my heart’s desire is to commune with you in prayer along the way. Teach me to pray in confident faith not only for myself, but for others. For those who have been distanced from You because of their troubles; for those whose challenges have dulled their faith to believe You for their miracles; for those whose hope is diminished by uncertain trials and hopelessness; for those who are halted by circumstances. O Lord, lift them up by the Power of Your Spirit. Inspire me to
draw closer to You with confidence; to pray along with You for the least of these. They are Yours O Lord and I bring their petitions to You. Hear my prayer O Lord, for all these things I ask of You. In Jesus name. Amen

